In these times which can seem so troubled, it is a rare opportunity to stop and reflect with gratitude. As we look back, we are thankful for…
- The new Ithacans we have gotten to know this year, coming from homes far away, bringing with them resilience and smiles;
- The little children of Global Roots Play School who have become fast friends, and their parents who have put their trust in our teachers, in order to pursue a new opportunity to learn;
- The worker bees who have tirelessly gathered, moved, folded, organized, hustled, cooked, cleaned, decorated, and welcomed families into new homes and a new school;
- The partners who have stepped up, reached out, given space, and collaborated in building a welcoming community;
- The teachers who provided guidance to new arrivals on how to navigate this community and connect to its many resources, while extending the hand of friendship;
- The folks “backstage” who answered the emails, created the systems, cut the checks, and balanced the books;
- The talented artists who have sung, designed, written stories, and shared their films, in support of refugees on their journey to find home;
- The advocates who have spoken out, made calls, marched, stood up for the 65 million forcibly displaced;
- The connectors who have brought people together – volunteer to volunteer, friend to friend – building up IWR as a growing organization of interconnected humans.
And we are grateful for you…hundreds of you…who have read these updates, showed up a events, given a donation, put out a good word, and raised a flag of WELCOME whenever you could.